Teeth get stained due to a variety of reasons, primary among which is smoking.
Regular consumption of coffee, wine and tea also plays a major role in the discoloration of teeth.
In some cases, certain medication has also been found to change the color of the teeth.
As the enamel wears thin with age, senior citizens also lose the whiteness of their teeth.
The doctors at Grins & Giggles Family Dentistry regularly offer the option of teeth whitening to patients who approach them for their dental cleanings.
The Process of Teeth Whitening
Studies have found that people find white teeth to be a crucial factor of smiles.
Despite regular flossing and brushing, for several people, their teeth will not be the precise pristine shade of white that they want.
There are two ways to whiten teeth, including, bleach-based and non-bleach methods.
The most popular form is the former that uses the power of bleach, specifically in its versions of carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide, to disintegrate stains.
When bleach is used to whiten teeth in a dentist’s office like ours, it’s referred to as in-office.
When it’s done at the comfort of your home, it’s called at-home or tray whitening.
In-Office Teeth Whitening
In-office whitening sessions can have a marked improvement in the color of the teeth, up to seven shades.
Our dentists will be able to clean both peripheral and deep-seated stains on your teeth using bleach.
In most cases, this is accomplished in a single visit.
Our doctors take special care to apply a gel or shield that will cover your gums from the bleach before they begin the process.

At-Home Whitening
It begins with a visit to our office where our dentists will measure your teeth line.
Then, they will give you a custom-fit tray that you will be able to use at home to whiten your teeth.
You will have to use bleach in the tray for the specified duration to remove stains and discolorations.
This process will not give you results overnight, and will have to be repeated whenever you notice your teeth getting stained.
Over-the-Counter Products
Specialized strips and whitening toothpastes are some of the over-the-counter products that are used in teeth whitening.
The whitening toothpastes have cleaning properties absent in the regular ones.
Store-bought whitening products are less powerful than the material used by our dentists and should only be used after consulting our doctors.
Such products will take longer to show results as compared to the procedures prescribed by a doctor.
Teeth Whitening in Spokane Valley
Contact Grins & Giggles Family Dentistry at (509) 928-4746 today to schedule your appointment for teeth whitening services near you!